Friday, June 29, 2012


I moved toward God at a faster pace than my husband.  I was seeking and was at the point that I was desperate for His love.  The pit can do that for you. 

Thus I found myself on Easter Sunday 2004, driving my husband to the airport for a three week business trip on the east coast. Then I found myself driving an hour to attend the Easter service with our friends at their church.

It was a small church and we were sitting toward the back of the sanctuary - which was only about twelve rows from the front.  I enjoyed the worship music, although it turned on my faucets (otherwise known as crying).

The sermon (which continued the faucet onslaught) was a typical one for Easter Sunday.   It was about the amazing sacrifice God made for us because of His love for us and His desire for a personal relationship with each of us.

And then came the alter call.  My friend whispered to me "if you want to go forward, I'll go with you."  I do remember that I nodded (which was all I could manage with the tears streaming down my face).

The pastor spoke to me, and his wife spoke to me, and I gave my life to Christ.  And I felt the first inkling of His peace, of His love. 

God had planned that day for me.  There was a reason my husband wasn't there - simply put, I wouldn't have gone forward with him there (though I love him to pieces).  I would have been too embarrassed.  I have always let others' thoughts lead my actions.  But God knows that. 

And He knew I needed to be there, at that time, with those people.

He would bring my husband along later with His perfect timing.

In His Grace...

I will be taking a break for the fourth of July holiday in order to spend time with my family.  I will return the week after.  Have a blessed holiday, enjoying the blessings God has given you and thanking Him for every one of them.

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