Thursday, August 16, 2012


As our days are filled with more and more activities, and our minds are filled with ever increasing thoughts, something that seems to be more difficult to accomplish is truly resting.  God created the heavens and the earth and on the 7th day "...he rested from all his work" Genesis 2:2. 

This is something I struggle with.  I grew up in a family that owned their own business.  If you were sitting still, you were being lazy.  Even vacations with my dad were jam packed with activities.  When my sister and I hit our teenage years and our family went to Hawaii on vacation, the two of us wanted to lie on the beach.  My father just didn't understand.  Why would you just want to lie on the beach when you could be snorkeling, hiking, swimming, body surfing...? 

So on weekend days when we are home as a family, I feel that I should always be doing something - laundry, dusting, vacuuming, cleaning, cooking, gardening...of course it doesn't help that the list is endless. 

Even on vacation I have difficulty if there is a day without activities planned.  My husband jokes with me that it is an inherited trait from my father.

But obviously, my heavenly father had different ideas on the subject.  Lately I have begun to wonder what rest should look like on the 7th day.  Should I finish that load of laundry?  Should I cook my family a nice meal?  Is it alright to go for an afternoon to the zoo? 

As far as I know, there isn't anything with specifics in the Bible regarding this subject.  But I think that God's idea was that our bodies and minds need a day to rest and rejuvenate.  I don't think it means that we must stop all activity and do nothing all day.  I do think that it is good to keep our activities to a minimum one day each weekend, to focus on God and to enjoy our families.

What do you think?

In His Grace...

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