Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I have been transformed

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

I'm sure you, like me, have heard this verse many times but I always thought of it in relation to others more than myself.  Maybe you also have known people that have been transformed by the love of Jesus Christ.  The evidence is very real and very tangible.  Maybe you know someone that was an alcoholic and just quit drinking when they gave their lives to Christ.  Or maybe you know someone that became a different person overnight.  The change is so evident that you can't miss it.

My transformation has been much more gradual and so I tend to discount it.  As I mentioned in the Testimony post, I don't think my testimony is very powerful.  But as I was going to bed last night, these words flowed through my mind "I have been transformed by the renewing of my mind.  I'm not the person I once was but have been made new by God through Jesus Christ." 

I believe this.  I know I am a kinder, gentler, less anxious, more compassionate, more loving person than I once was.  I know that Christ has been working in me for the last eight years and if I would let Him, the evidence would be even more striking.  I still allow fear of what others might think of me to stop me from sharing what God has done in my life. 

I pray that as I share here, God will be able to continue my transformation into a Godly woman who is eager to share what she knows of God's love and the powerful ways that it has changed my life.

In His Grace...

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