Friday, June 8, 2012

Loving God (Part II)

Last night after I wrote today's post, it occurred to me that what I wrote really didn't have a lot to do with me loving God but rather Him loving me.  (For some reason, many of the ideas I have for these posts occur just after I have gone to bed prior to falling asleep - not the most convenient time but I have taken to keeping a note pad by my bed so that I can jot down the ideas.  Otherwise, I will wake in the morning knowing I had an idea but not being able to remember what it was!)

Prior to realizing that God loves me unconditionally, just as I love my son, I had not given a lot of thought to the action of loving God.  I was doing the "right" things - reading the bible, attending church, serving at church, participating in bible studies, attempting to love my neighbor (even when it is very difficult).  I knew in my head that God loves me but my heart did not fully comprehend.  Again, I see it somewhat like my relationship with my son.  I tell him I love him and he tells me he loves me but what does that mean to a 3 year old?  I don't think he fully understands what it means to love me; that was where I was in my relationship with God.  My head knowledge of God's love for me wasn't translating into me taking action to love God. 

When I realized what kind of love God feels for me, it changed my perception of my relationship with God.  I started seeing the world with new eyes.  I started giving thanks for all the little blessings He provides each day and just lifting a prayer to God at any opportunity throughout the day.  I started to think about how it affects me when my son does something wrong or is disobedient.  This started translating into how God must feel when I do not follow His word or disobey Him.  After I have done something that goes against His word, I now feel regret.  Instead of repenting and asking His forgiveness because I know in my head I should, I do it because I feel in my heart that I have disappointed Him and I want to make that relationship right.  This has opened my heart to His love even more which then allows me to love Him more.  It it a continuous circle, which if I can continue to follow it, will lead me into a closer and closer relationship with Him which is what He is after as well.

I pray that this has or can happen for you as well...

In His Grace...

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